
Easy image gallery WordPress plugin

What is FooGallery?

FooGallery is WordPress photo gallery plugin. The primary focus of this plugin is on ease-of-use, while allowing users to create beautiful media galleries.

It is available for free, or you can enjoy additional features with FooGallery Pro. The free version gives you everything you need to create and style unique photo galleries, including six templates, appearance and hover settings, and more. FooGallery Pro adds to this offering with additional templates, video, paging, filtering and more. With the Pro version, you can also load galleries from sources such as Instagram, Media Tags and Adobe Lightroom.

All of these features make FooGallery a great choice for photographers, website owners, freelancers, and developers. The settings are easy enough for inexperienced WordPress users to grasp quickly, while more advanced users will enjoy the various options available for customizing their galleries.

What are the features and benefits of FooGallery?

  • FooGallery Free provides enough features for you to create unique photo or media galleries for your WordPress site. The various features available on the free version make it simple for users to build and style galleries quickly. This makes FooGallery a great choice for building portfolios, showcasing projects, or simply adding visual content to your site.
  • FooGallery Pro adds to the free offering with more advanced settings, as well as extra features like Video. There are three plans to choose from, and you can select to pay annually or choose the Lifetime option. So there’s a plan that will suit your needs, whether you are a website owner, freelancer or a developer.
  • FooGallery has been designed to be easy to use. The settings are straightforward and intuitive, allowing you to easily customize any gallery. It is simple to add galleries to your pages and posts. And you can create a variety of galleries to suit your needs (and those of your users). It is also easy to edit existing galleries. FooGallery Pro makes it simple to add video to your galleries and you can save time by loading galleries from other sources or bulk copying settings.

FooGallery Pro makes it easier for you to create more effective photo and media galleries for your WordPress site. One of the main advantages of FooGallery Pro is that you can easily import videos into your galleries. You can create a video gallery, or add images and video to the same gallery.

Another key benefit is the ability to load galleries from other sources. This includes Adobe Lightroom, Media Tags, Server Folders, Instagram and more. Galleries are automatically updated, which makes your life even easier.

More great benefits of FooGallery Pro include advanced pagination options, frontend filtering and advanced appearance settings, such as thumbnail filters and preset hover effects. You can also bulk copy settings to other existing galleries.

All of the Pro plans include all of the Pro features – the different plans simply allow you to use FooGallery Pro on more sites.

The WP Engine Advantage.

WP Engine provides a fast, reliable solution to its users. The focus is on getting your site up and running smoothly, so that you can enjoy a more streamline experience, with less stress. From hosting to security, WP Engine gives you almost everything you need to create your ideal WordPress site.

FooGallery gives you what you need to add beautiful galleries to that site. Their focus is on helping you add visual content to compliment the site you have built using WP Engine.

WP Engine promises to bring your vision to life by providing you with the tools to create a fast, reliable and secure WordPress site. Some of these tools include a global CDN, security measures, Google analytics integration and more. FooGallery adds to these tools by allowing you to complement your site’s content with stunning media galleries. FooGallery also ensures that your site’s speed isn’t negatively impacted on, so you can still enjoy the performance offered by WP Engine.

How do you get started with FooGallery?

You can get started with FooGallery for free, right now. Simply download the free version of FooGallery.

Or go for Pro! Get the added advantages and increased customization options of FooGallery Pro by choosing the plan that works for you.

If you’re interested in the Pro offering, but you’re not ready to invest in the premium plugin just yet, FooPlugins also offer a free no-obligation trial. You can take FooGallery Pro for a 7-day spin, with the option to purchase the Pro version at the end of this. For more info, visit the FooPlugins website.

About FooGallery.

FooGallery was created by FooPlugins, where we strive to provide solutions for your WordPress site. Our aim is to create plugins that are easy to use and that provide real value for our users. Our current offering includes FooGallery and FooBox.

FooBox is a WordPress lightbox plugin. it allows you to open images, videos, HTML content and more in a lightbox. FooBox Pro includes some great features, like social sharing, Google Analytics integration, and integration with Fotomoto, through which you can sell your photos. FooBox is designed to work with our photo gallery plugin, FooGallery.

FooGallery is a WordPress photo gallery that allows you to easily create your own stunning and unique media galleries. With our Pro offering, you can also include video in your gallery.

Together, FooBox and FooGallery can help you create a visual impact to complement the content on your site. Our goal at FooPlugins is to help you do this as easily as possible.