Genesis Custom Blocks

Custom Blocks for WordPress made easy!

What is Genesis Custom Blocks?

Genesis Custom Blocks is a plugin that makes building custom blocks a whole lot easier. It’s available for free on

For WordPress developers, the ability to create custom blocks is a vital capability. Being able to confidently embrace and build with modern WordPress unlocks new opportunities and untethers us from increasingly unsupported workflows. There are many fantastic block libraries available, including Genesis Blocks, but developers often need to implement a unique design, feature, or integration that off-the-shelf blocks can’t provide. A custom block is the only solution.

Building custom blocks can be difficult and requires extensive Javascript knowledge. However, Genesis Custom Blocks empowers WordPress developers to leverage their PHP experience and more traditional WordPress workflows to build custom blocks. For many in the WordPress industry, this plugin massively lowers the barrier to entry and equips them to build quickly and with confidence.

What are the features and benefits of Genesis Custom Blocks?

The plugin works by giving you an interface in the WordPress admin for adding and configuring your custom blocks. Alongside this, the plugin gives WordPress developers a PHP templating engine to build out their block templates. This templating engine is, as we call it, “front-end agnostic”, meaning that you’ll be able to work with whatever theme or frontend-framework you prefer.

Part of Genesis

The Genesis Custom Blocks plugin is part of the larger Genesis suite of products but can be used completely independently. As long as the WordPress site has the block editor enabled, WordPress developers can use the plugin to streamline and accelerate their custom block development.

Build even more with Genesis Pro
The free plugin on is packed with powerful features, but for the professional WordPress developer, whether a freelancer or part of a larger team, a Genesis Pro subscription will enable additional power-user style features for Genesis Custom Blocks. These features, such as the repeater field and block-level export/import, will unlock further efficiency and produce more dynamic blocks.

The WP Engine Advantage.

WP Engine is the proverbial engine behind Genesis Custom Blocks and the rest of the Genesis Platform. The collective engineering, product design, and community genius of all that work at WP Engine is behind the future value and success of Genesis Custom Blocks.

How do you get started with Genesis Custom Blocks?

Genesis Custom Blocks is available for free on the repository. For those looking advanced, more powerful features, a Genesis Pro subscription will unlock these (plus more) for you.

About WP Engine.

WP Engine is the WordPress Digital Experience Platform that gives companies of all sizes the agility, performance, intelligence, and integrations they need to drive their business forward faster. WP Engine’s combination of tech innovation and an award-winning team of WordPress experts are trusted by more than 120,000 customers across 150 countries to provide counsel and support, helping brands create world-class digital experiences. Founded in 2010, WP Engine is headquartered in Austin, Texas, and has offices in Brisbane, Australia; Limerick, Ireland; London, England; Omaha, Neb.; San Antonio, Texas and San Francisco, Calif.