POLYLANG Multilingual Plugin

Easily manage your WordPress and WooCommerce sites in multiple languages

Polylang is a popular, free multilingual content management plugin powering hundreds of thousands of WordPress sites. How does it work? It’s very easy – you write posts, pages and create categories as usual, and then you assign the language for each of them. It is directly integrated into the well-known WordPress interface. Performance and ease of use are the two priorities that guide our development. Polylang has proven to be powerful enough for sites having ten of thousands posts!

Polylang Pro offers premium support and additional features to enhance your multilingual content management. For those online business owners, we also have a simple solution to easily manage your WooCommerce shop in multiple languages with our add-on, Polylang for WooCommerce.

the block editor page featuring the language metabox


  • Add an unlimited number of languages – We have a list of already registered languages for convenience, but if yours is missing, you can add it with the parameters you want (flag, locale, writing direction…).
  • Manage easily your menus and widgets – Create one menu per language. Decide to display your widgets for all your languages or for a dedicated language.
  • Translate all post types, taxonomies, custom post types and custom taxonomies.
  • Translate options from themes, plugins and WordPress core thanks to the Strings translations table.
  • Add language switcher – You can add it in your menu, in a widget. A template tag is also available for developers.
  • SEO friendly – Polylang is compatible with Yoast SEO and automatically takes care of multilingual SEO such as html hreflang tags and opengraph tags. You have the possibility to use, at your option, one directory, one subdomain or one domain per language.
  • High performance – Polylang doesn’t use any extra database tables and it is compatible with most cache plugins.
  • Developers friendly – Many hooks and filters as well an API to customize your projects.


  • Advanced content management – You can import the original content when you create a new translation. You can have the same post in several languages by synchronizing their content.
  • Customize your urls – You can share, translate your slugs across your translations. You can also translate slug such as the category base.
  • REST API – Compatible with the WordPress API: developers can use Polylang’s endpoints.
  • Premium support – We help you via personal emails.
  • Additional integration with plugins such as ACF Pro and The Events Calendar.


  • Send your emails in the customer’s language – Translate your emails and send them in the order language.
  • Translate simple products, variable products, attributes and product categories.
  • Product datas are synchronized across translations (stocks, prices, dimensions, weights).
  • Support the WooCommerce CSV exporter and importer tool – Export and import your products in several languages.
  • Compatible with some WooCommerce add-ons such as WooCommerce Bookings, WooCommerce Subscriptions, WooCommerce Product Bundles, Follow-Ups emails.