Contributing to Open Source Projects

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This article aims to guide developers on best practices for contributing to Faust.js and other Open Source Software (OSS) and provide actionable steps for getting started with contributions. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting, this guide will help you navigate the OSS ecosystem and make meaningful contributions.

What Defines an OSS?

Open Source Software (OSS) is software released with a license that allows anyone to view, modify, and distribute the source code. This openness fosters a collaborative environment where developers can contribute, innovate, and improve the software. OSS is the backbone of many critical technologies and has a profound impact on the software industry by promoting transparency, security, and community-driven development.

Understanding the Open Source Ecosystem

In order to understand the OSS ecosystem, let’s define the types of contributions to it.  There are four main types of contributions:

  1. Code Contributions: Adding new features, fixing bugs, and improving software performance and security are common ways to contribute code. These contributions directly impact the project’s functionality and reliability.
  2. Documentation Improvements: Clear and comprehensive documentation is crucial for any OSS project. Contributing to user guides, API references, and tutorials helps new users and contributors understand and utilize the software effectively.
  3. Community Support: Helping other users in forums, social media, and chat channels builds a supportive and inclusive community. Providing answers, sharing knowledge, and offering guidance are valuable contributions.
  4. Testing and Bug Reporting: Identifying and reporting bugs, performing quality assurance, and testing new features ensure the software remains robust and reliable. Thorough testing and detailed bug reports help maintainers address issues efficiently.

Now that we have listed out the types of contributions, let’s discuss the licensing and legal considerations in OSS.

In OSS, the three most common types of licenses are listed below:

  • MIT License: Permissive and simple, allowing almost unrestricted reuse. It’s one of the most popular OSS licenses due to its simplicity and flexibility.
  • GPL (GNU General Public License): This license requires derivative works to be open source. It ensures that software remains free and open for future generations.
  • Apache License: This license is similar to MIT but includes an explicit grant of patent rights from contributors. It is preferred for projects that want to protect against potential patent litigation.

Understanding Contributor License Agreements (CLAs):

CLAs are legal agreements that contributors must sign, giving the project permission to use their contributions. They clarify the rights and obligations of both contributors and project maintainers, ensuring that contributions can be used freely within the project.  The Faust.js project uses such an agreement.

Headless WordPress OSS

The three main OSS projects for headless WordPress that we use at WP Engine are Faust.js, WordPress, and WPGraphQL:

Faust.js: A toolkit for Next.js for building modern, headless WordPress sites. It simplifies the development of WordPress sites by leveraging the power of React and WPGraphQL.

WPGraphQL: WPGraphQL is a free, open-source WordPress plugin that provides an extendable GraphQL schema and API for any WordPress site.

WordPress: A content management system (CMS) powering a significant portion of the web. Its strong community and extensive ecosystem of plugins and themes make it a versatile and widely-used platform.

Contributions can include adding new features, fixing bugs, or enhancing the documentation. For example, you might implement a new WPGraphQL query, optimize performance, or write a tutorial.

Within the contribution areas, the focus might include improving core functionality, creating example projects, or enhancing developer tools. The Faust.js community is welcoming and always looking for enthusiastic contributors.

Getting Started with Contributing

The first thing you need to do is identify a project that matches your interests and skill set. In this case, we are focusing on JavaScript, WordPress, and WPGraphQL, which are related to web development.

Next, look for active projects with regular updates, responsive maintainers, and welcoming communities. Check for the frequency of commits, issue resolution, and community engagement on forums and social media.

Familiarizing Yourself with the Project

Here are some steps you can take to familiarize yourself with the project you choose.

The main thing a project’s documentation tells you about it is its architecture, purpose, and processes. Read the documents and contribution guidelines to understand how to contribute effectively. Good documents also provide insights into the project’s governance, purpose, and processes.

The next thing to understand is the project codebase. You can do this by exploring the repository, reading the and files, and diving into the directory structure and any key components.

Once you do that, you can review open issues to identify areas where you can contribute.  Look for issues that are tagged with “good first issue” or “Need Help” as these are great opportunities to tackle for new contributors.

Best Practices for Contributing to OSS

There are multiple ways to contribute effectively with best practices in OSS.  Here are some for you to consider.

Effective Communication

Communication is a key practice in OSS contribution. You can do this by participating in chat channels, forums, mailing lists, and social media to stay informed about project updates. This will help you stay on top of ongoing changes and decisions and where the project is heading.

When you ask for help or provide feedback, use clear and respectful language. Be as specific as possible about your issue and provide context to make your point clearer and easier to understand.

You can also help others by answering questions, sharing your knowledge, and providing guidance. Your expertise can benefit other community members and foster a collaborative environment.

Quality Code

Quality code is a crucial part of overall best practice when contributing to OSS. Follow the project’s standards and guidelines to write maintainable and readable code. Consistent coding practices ensure that your contributions are compatible with the existing codebase.

Test your code to ensure software reliability. Write unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests as appropriate to validate your changes.

Writing quality code includes detailed commit messages and pull request descriptions. These will help the maintainers review your changes. Clearly explain your changes, why they are necessary, and how they were implemented.

Review and Feedback Process

Understanding the review and feedback process is important for contributions to OSS. This involves familiarizing yourself with code reviews, responding to feedback constructively, and learning from the review process to improve your skills.

Familiarize Yourself with the Code Review Process: Start by examining past reviews to understand the maintainers’ criteria and expectations. This will give you insights into what maintainers look for in contributions and common areas for improvement. Observing how other contributions are reviewed can also provide valuable lessons.

Responding to Feedback: When you receive feedback on your contributions, be receptive and open-minded. Address the reviewers’ comments thoughtfully and make the necessary changes to improve your work. Constructive feedback is an opportunity for growth, so approach it with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn.

Learning from Reviews: Use the feedback from code reviews to enhance your skills and contribute more effectively. Each review is a learning opportunity that can help you write better code and understand best practices. Embrace the review process as a valuable part of your development journey, and apply the lessons learned to future contributions.


I hope this guide has given you a clear understanding of how to contribute to OSS projects. By following the steps and best practices outlined here, you’ll be well-prepared and excited to start contributing to projects like Faust.js, WPGraphQL, and WordPress. Your contributions will not only positively impact these communities but also help advance the software you use and care about.  As always, we look forward to hearing your feedback, thoughts, and projects so hit us up in our headless Discord!