ACF: Custom Post Type and Taxonomy Preview

Damon Cook Avatar


The WP Engine Developer Relations team hosts live events & workshops to explore the features of modern WordPress.

This workshop was hosted by Damon Cook and took place on March 15th, 2023.

Here is the video recording 👇

In this latest workshop, we previewed Advanced Custom Field’s (ACF) new custom post type and taxonomy features, as well as the new WP Engine Pattern Manager plugin.

The final demo involved a fully functioning cooking recipe site, which was built in about 45 minutes. This involved:

  • Creating a Recipes custom post type (CPT) with ACF
  • Creating a Recipe Types taxonomy and assigning it to the Recipes CPT
  • Creating field groups for a new Cook & Prep Times ACF Block
  • Creating the Cook & Prep Times ACF Block
  • Creating a WordPress plugin to organize all our customizations
  • Activate and leverage Pattern Manager to build full-page block pattern layouts and assign them to the Recipes post type
  • Add our Cook & Prep Times ACF Block to our full-page patterns

We also went a step further and demonstrated how builders can save all the custom post types, field groups, and taxonomy data within a WordPress plugin by updating ACF’s load and saving JSON points. This makes it convenient for teams collaborating to build client sites and version control their work.

Full project source code

Check out the full source code for the recipe site on GitHub.

Zoom Poll survey responses

We prompted attendees for information on how they currently build and here are the results.

How do you currently create custom post types?# of responses
Composer integration (johnbillion/extended-cpts, jjgrainger/PostTypes)1
CPTUI (Custom Post Type UI – WebDevStudios)36
Other (feel to comment in the chat)36
Website snippet generator (GenerateWP, Meta Box, Hasty)14
Total number of responses87
Do you currently build custom blocks?# of responses
I tried but got stuck along the way2
No, but I’m curious34
Yes – ACF Blocks45
Yes – custom native blocks6
Total number of responses87
How familiar are you with block patterns?# of responses
I plan on trying soon14
I tried but got stuck along the way2
I’ve created a few in a theme18
I’ve never created one, but I’m curious38
Total number of responses72
Are you likely to switch over to ACF’s CPT & taxonomy registration?# of responses
No, I’ll stick with what I have.4
Yes, and I can’t wait to remove the previous plugin.56
Total number of responses60

When is the next WPE Builders Event?

We announce all of our upcoming workshops, live demos, and events on @wpebuilders on Twitter.

Have an idea for an event? Reach out on Twitter and let us know – be sure to tag @dcook and @wpebuilders!