How To Create FAQ Pages in WordPress Using Plugins

If you offer any type of product or service through your website, you’re probably used to fielding user questions. However, this could see you answering very similar queries on a regular basis, and in the long run, you’ll often repeat the same answers.

One of the easiest ways to cut down on repeat questions and to help users solve problems on their own is through a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section. Ideally, your FAQ should include detailed answers to the most common queries. As a result, visitors will be able to skip those emails, while you’ll have more time to focus on other tasks.

Since you’re using WordPress, you have a lot of great plugins to help you create FAQ pages with ease. In this article, we’ll introduce you to five of the best FAQ plugins for WordPress and help you decide which one to use. Let’s get to it!

What is a FAQ Page?

As the name implies, a FAQ section or page is a collection of all the questions users ask most often. For example, a web hosting service might receive the following queries:

  • What are the differences between each type of plan you offer?
  • My website isn’t loading. What can I do about it?
  • What kind of payment methods do you accept?

The more detailed your FAQ page is, the more useful it’ll be for visitors. Ultimately, a lot of users want self-help support options, and will be happy when you provide it.

However, keep in mind that just because you offer a FAQ page doesn’t mean you should ignore other user communication channels. It’s important to cater to visitors who require a more personal touch, rather than simply directing everyone to a set of help pages.

The Best WordPress FAQ Plugins

Considering how popular FAQ sections are, it should be no surprise that there are many plugins created to help you implement them. For this section, we’ve decided to showcase the options that offer the best user experience and range of features, so let’s jump right in!

Plugin #1: Heroic FAQ

If you like plugins that are all about ease of use, you’ll probably enjoy using Heroic FAQ. With this plugin, you can design FAQ sections using a dedicated builder that’s very similar to the classic WordPress editor.

Using this editor, you can add as many questions as you want for each FAQ section and re-order them using drag-and-drop functionality. In addition, the plugin includes a lot of style customization options, so the FAQ sections you design won’t clash with the aesthetics of your website’s design.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning the plugin is 100% mobile friendly and it comes with several pre-designed FAQ styles you can use to speed up the creation process.

Prices: One-year licenses for this plugin start at $49 for a single website.

Plugin #2: HTML Responsive FAQ

If you use page builders on your WordPress website, finding plugins that play nicely with them can be a lot of work. HTML Responsive FAQ is a solid choice here, and it works seamlessly with most page builders too.

In addition, the plugin enables you to create as many FAQ sections as you want, organize them into categories, customize their styles, work on their Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and more. When you’re done working on your latest FAQ, you can add it anywhere on your website using shortcodes.

Price: HTML Responsive FAQ is 100% free.

Plugin #3: Ultimate FAQ

If you’re using the Block Editor to create your content, you’ll probably want to focus on plugins that enable you to add new blocks to your collection, and offer enough customization features to boot.

Ultimate FAQ is a standout block-friendly WordPress knowledge-base plugin. It also works perfectly with WooCommerce, which makes it the perfect option for eCommerce websites. Ultimate FAQ also offers an intuitive drag-and-drop editor that makes putting together new sections simple.

What’s more, Ultimate FAQ is one of the only FAQ plugins that offers built-in search functionality. The bigger your knowledge-base gets, the more useful a search feature will be to visitors.

Price: You can download the free version of the plugin from, while premium single-site licenses start at $30.

Plugin #4: Accordion FAQ

Sometimes, all you need is a hammer for the task at hand, rather than an entire toolbox. So far, we’ve focused on WordPress FAQ plugins with myriad functionality, but this can be a bit much if you only need a simple FAQ section.

As such, Accordion FAQ is a straight-forward and beginner-friendly option. With this plugin, you can use a drag-and-drop builder to create mobile-friendly accordion FAQs that look great on any page. The plugin also integrates with Font Awesome icons and Google Fonts, which offers you a lot of customization options while still keeping things simple.

Price: This plugin is 100% free.

Plugin #5: Quick and Easy FAQs

As far as plugins go, we like any tool classed as “quick and easy.” This particular plugin offers many of the features we’ve talked about so far, including multiple FAQ styles, customization options, support for page builders, and more.

However, Quick and Easy FAQs also manages to set itself apart due to some standout functionality. For example, this is the only WordPress FAQ plugin we’ve tested that’s translation-ready out of the box. This means if you want to use a WordPress plugin to create a multilingual website, Quick and Easy FAQs won’t make things any harder for you.

In addition, the plugin enables you to tweak your FAQ sections using custom CSS from within the WordPress admin screen. This means you won’t have to tinker around with text editors if you want to make some small changes to your FAQ’s style (unless you want to, of course).

Price: This plugin is free and you can check out its GitHub repo too for easy access to its code.

Improve Your Site’s Capabilities With WP Engine

Making sure your users have access to all the resources they need is a great way to keep them happy. With a detailed FAQ section, you can avoid a lot of frustration on either end, since visitors will always know where to turn in times of trouble.

However, for your FAQ to work, you also need to provide an amazing digital experience throughout the rest of your website. This means you need a host offering you all the features and functionality you need to keep your site running in tip-top shape, such as WP Engine. We offer ‘best-in-class’ hosting that can meet your needs, regardless of scope and scale.

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