15 Ways To Optimize WordPress From The Inside Out

Nowadays it doesn’t matter how well-designed and content-packed your site is if it doesn’t load quickly. Page load time is an essential part of the user experience; a 1-second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversion.

Want to know how you can make your WordPress site lightweight, speedy, and scalable?

In this white paper, we’ll cover things you can do to improve how quickly your server is able to generate a page to send to its web browser and things you can do to improve the render time of your page in the visitor’s browser.

Some topics covered will be:

  • Page and object caching
  • Image compression
  • Effective use of a CDN
  • Steps to defer Javascript parsing

This white paper will equip you with the knowledge and resources to get your server and page load times down and improve your user experience.

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