Accessibility + WordPress

Regardless of physical, mental and locational ability, the web is fundamentally designed to work for all people. However, poorly designed, inaccessible websites create barriers that exclude people from using the web. By remaining inaccessible, we are excluding groups of people from a vital source of information, a place to meet people and communicate, the premier place to shop, a convenient way to pay bills, and much more. Inaccessibility not only hurts the disabled. By remaining inaccessible, nearly one-fifth of the population is excluded from visiting your website limiting your customer base and impacting conversions.

In this white paper, written in collaboration with digital agency, we’ll walk you through what it means to be accessible and offer some best practices to help you get there. Here are some things you’ll learn:

  • The standard for accessibility
  • Common A11y mistakes
  • WordPress tips and themes for better accessibility
  • And more!


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