Getting Shipping Right with SendCloud

Running a profitable eCommerce business can be challenging, to say the least. Not only is it important to create an effective website and execute a successful digital marketing strategy, the process of shipping products to your customers adds an entirely new challenge into the equation. If there’s a mix-up and you ship the wrong order, you’ll end up spending time and money dealing with returns. If you get the order right but ship to the wrong address, or get it to the right one too late, your brand’s reputation will likely take a hit.

This is where SendCloud, which automates the shipping process for thousands of online stores, comes into focus. To find out how SendCloud uses WordPress and WP Engine to power its rapidly-expanding business, we sat down with the company’s Head of Marketing, Tom van den Heuvel, who filled us in on all the details. Read the full Q&A to find out more.

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