5 Outcomes you can Expect From Growth Suite’s Client Reporting
Client reports are an essential component of agency work. As an agency owner, and even as a freelance web developer, you need to be able to communicate your successes with clients to underscore just how valuable your services are.
While this could be completed through hours of phone calls, meetings, emails, and touch-bases, a client report provides all the necessary information in one simple package that clients can peruse on their own time.
If you don’t currently have a reporting process in place—or your current reporting process is more involved than you’d like it to be—Growth Suite’s client reporting feature is a great place to start.
Growth Suite creates informative, beautifully branded client reports automatically—and along with the rest of the Growth Suite tool kit, it organizes your client management processes like magic! Here are the top five most beneficial outcomes you can expect when you start using Growth Suite’s automated reporting feature.
Building Client Relationships
Your clients want one thing for better or worse, and that’s transparency. Trust is built and relationships are strengthened not because of what you do for your clients, but because of how well you communicate with them along the way. Informative client reports help you build the rapport with your customers that you’ll need to build long-lasting partnerships.
Be under no illusion: reports won’t take the place of all your client communications. But having regularly scheduled updates sent to clients can help put their mind at ease—even if they haven’t heard from you in a while.
Showcasing Work Completed
Especially for small business owners and independent developers, taking note of every little update you’re making for your clients’ sites is just not feasible. However, showing your clients that you’re taking care of those messy little details is one of the best ways to highlight just how valuable you are.
Growth Suite acts as your virtual assistant in that way. It notes when you update a plugin or backup a site, among other important tasks, and automatically includes this information in your scheduled report. You can also integrate Google Analytics data, security updates, and more into your regular reports!
Saving Time
Client reporting is crucial—but that doesn’t make it easy. Most agencies consider using less than 25% of their billable time compiling reports to be the magic number for success. That’s the equivalent of a single freelancer working 40 hours per week using 10 of their hours to compile reports—a huge chunk of your working hours.
With Growth Suite, reporting takes mere minutes. And once you’ve automated your reports with the layout and information you want to include, you can set it and forget it! Trim that 10 hours of reporting time down to almost nothing using just this one feature.
Comparing Metrics
If creating robust and continued success for your clients is the goal, then tracking your progress over time is vital. Measuring the success or failure of your efforts is the only way to figure out what’s working and adjust your strategy accordingly.
Regular reports act as an archive of your progress, so you can easily reference your previous data and track your improvements over time. When you can plainly show how you’ve helped clients increase their site’s visibility, security, and functionality over time, it becomes much harder for them to justify letting you go.
Aligning KPIs
Another important aspect of your client communications is getting on—and staying on—the same page regarding what success looks like. What constitutes high site performance will differ from client to client, and even with the same client based on the time of year or current priority.
Reports help you show where improvements are being made, and tracking them over time will let you know whether your strategy is working the way your client needs it to. For example, a client who’s running a brand awareness campaign may simply want to see more new users, but a client who is trying to drive more conversions may care more about returning users spending more time on site. This kind of information provided through the Google Analytics integration for Growth Suite is invaluable to your clients.
Show up with Growth Suite
Make more frequent, more meaningful touchpoints with your clients without losing precious billable hours when you schedule automated reports with Growth Suite. Watch an overview of the client reporting feature in the video above, and check out this example of a Growth Suite report before downloading our ebook—it dives into each of the features that make up this magical tool!