White Paper: How to Stay Ahead of the SEO Curve

Don’t Let Recent SEO Updates Slaughter Your Site Traffic

Search engine optimization (SEO) can often feel more like art than science. It takes a little bit of planning, a whole lot of hustle, and a sprinkle of magic to make your site pop to the top of search rankings. And with all the behind the scenes algorithms and constant tweaking, it’s not always easy to stay ahead of the SEO curve.

Recently, SEO has dominated the tech news headlines, with a trio of major SEO updates that, if you haven’t paid close enough attention, could kill your SEO rankings and sink your site to the dreaded abyss of being barely findable by search.

In this white paper, we take a look at three recent SEO updates in the industry that could affect your traffic, and some best practices to ensure your site doesn’t suffer. We highlight:

  • Mobilegeddon – Learn simple steps to improve mobile search rankings
  • SSL – Boost SEO ranking by using SSL
  • The Quality Update – Get your content up to snuff with Google’s quality guidelines

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