Small Site Changes Ensure Big Performance Gains [Case Study]

VinePair is a WordPress-powered website that specializes in providing delightful drops of drinking knowledge to millennial drinkers. Their beautiful site takes the anxiety and pretension from classic beverages and instead delivers a wonderful user experience that offers insight and takeaways.

Due to their relatively small team, VinePair often overlooked technicalities that could improve their performance and response time. Application Performance was able to fill that technical gap and help VinePair pinpoint site issues that otherwise wouldn’t have occurred to them.

“Although there were no problems to fix, improving performance is always helpful…with APM, the issues are easy to spot and the entire process is expedited…” -Josh Malin, Cofounder at VinePair

Read more about how WP Engine helped VinePair identify otherwise tedious technical issues and how that impacted site performance overall.




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