How to Use WordPress in Unexpected Ways: Headless CMS, VR and Augmented Reality? Yes, Please!

Headless CMS is getting a lot a buzz these days. What is it? Why does it matter? And what does it mean in the world of WordPress?

Instead of thinking of WordPress as just for the web, what if you could use it with other emerging technologies  – virtual or augmented reality, for instance – to get really creative?

Hear from Ogilvy’s creative technologist, Pete Nellius, as he explores use cases in “bleeding edge” technologies using WordPress. This session is sure to get you thinking beyond the web into future possibilities!

Duration: 41 minutes

What you’ll learn:
  • What is “creative technology?”
  • Advantages of WordPress over other Content Management Systems (CMS’)
  • Wrapping REST API into WordPress core was a big deal – what it means for the web – and other platforms and technologies
  • How WordPress can be used to decouple content from the application
  • Creative ways of using the REST API
  • Bonus: How Ogilvy approaches marketing challenges


Our Amazing Speaker:

Pete Nellius, OgilvyPete Nellius 
Creative Technologist

Creative Technologist for Ogilvy Washington and Founder of Ogilvy’s Center for Innovation and Creative Technology, Peter has over a decade of Information Technology experience spanning systems, mobile, web, Internet of Things, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and more. He has managed projects for government agencies, Fortune 500 companies, and small businesses alike and is passionate about finding the most effective and creative ways of leveraging technology in pursuit of behavior change. 

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