Don’t lose revenue. Go viral with no downtime.

Let’s dream for a minute. Your product gets a great review, your article goes viral, or your business is featured in an influential publication. Great, right?

But, can your website handle the increased traffic, or will that successful campaign crash your site?

During Prime Day in 2018, shoppers reported error messages and broken landing pages on Amazon is estimated to have lost $72.4 million in revenue based on 63 minutes of downtime. That’s about $1.15 million of lost revenue per minute…ouch! 

While we’re not all Amazon (but, remember, we can dream!), downtime is expensive. According to Blazemeter, one minute of downtime during Black Friday costs an organization on average $4,700. 

And, that’s not factoring in lost productivity, recovery costs, and damage to your brand reputation.

Experience Level:  Intermediate

Duration: 40 minutes (including Q&A)

In this on-demand webinar, we explore the following topics so you’re prepared to take full advantage of any and all viral goodness that comes your way: 

  • What is a load test
  • When/Why you should load test
  • Best practices – types of tests, KPIs, when, tools, 
  • What to do in a short timeframe?



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