Do you think your WordPress site is prepared to handle a 40, 60, or even 80 percent increase in traffic in one day? A large and sudden increase in traffic sounds like it would be a huge benefit to your business.

But if your site isn’t capable of handling it correctly, this type of traffic increase could actually have detrimental results—like temporary site failure—resulting in the loss of your audience during your most demanding moments. Let’s talk about how this can be avoided…

Do you know what your site’s peak capacity is?

“Peak capacity” refers to the total number of requests your server is able to handle at one time. It is incredibly important to make sure your site is ready for a peak capacity day, because you never know when it may strike. With the holiday season quickly approaching, now is the time to make these site improvements to ensure optimal performance.

With this in mind, WP Engine has organized a webinar series dedicated to handling peak capacity. This series will include 3 webinars, the first of which aired in October 23. This episode is dedicated to the “quick wins” that prepare your site for handling critical times.
Our technical support experts Austin Curtis and Edwin Calte walk you through 3 easy fixes that can help increase your site’s performance during large traffic spikes.

Want to see if you’ve got your WordPress site set up correctly? Check out the webinar below!

Thanks for watching!

Now that you have some quick tips to help make sure your site is ready for potential traffic increases, make sure to head over to the User Portal to implement some of these solutions. If you aren’t currently hosting with WP Engine, you can check out our plans here.

As always, if you have any questions about your site you can chat with us online or check out the Support Center for more tools and WordPress help articles.

Last but not least—don’t forget to check out our support page on seven steps to improve your websites peak capacity.

editorMichelle Oznowicz manages the WP Engine blog. With a background in entertainment and journalism, and an affinity for WordPress, she serves as WP Engine’s in-house wordsmith and editor.