WP Engine Gives Back to Victims of Hurricane Harvey
The effects of Hurricane Harvey have been devastating, but the great state of Texas has come together to lend time, money, and labor to help those in need. Volunteers from all over the state and country are stepping up to protect friends and strangers alike
While we at WP Engine grieve the impact of this storm, we are working to do our part to try to satisfy the immediate needs of the tens of thousands still displaced. A group of dedicated employees working on our employee-led Giveback team created a variety of ways employees all over the world could help with the efforts.
Because WP Engine is an International company, the easiest way to get every employee involved was setting up a Go Fund Me page. In just three days, over $5,800 was raised, and the number is still rising. WP Engine matched the first $5,000, bringing the total to over $10,000. The money in the fund will be given to three relief groups: the Houston SPCA, which aims to rescue pets and farm animals, the Central Texas Food Bank, bringing food and supplies to those left homeless by the storm, and the Austin Disaster Relief Network, which provides supplies to shelters.
These three organizations are working tirelessly to help victims, and we are honored to do what we can to support them.
Those living locally in Austin created a donation box to collect things victims immediately need such as socks, toiletries, underwear, cleaning supplies, and more. These items will be delivered to the Austin Disaster Relief Network so they may distribute to people in need.
The team has been encouraged to head to a blood drive or a local blood donor center to help replenish the blood pool that was depleted during the crisis in Houston, where local blood banks were unable to collect donations for three days.
We are extremely proud of how the WP Engine family has reached out during this trying time. It will take time to see how much damage was done by this horrific storm, but we are committed to helping the communities affected and helping to show the strength and resilience of Texas.
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