Account & Features.
Offload Media to Amazon S3 with LargeFS
This article details how to set up and configure LargeFS, which is designed to store large amounts of media and integrate it into WordPress.
User Portal Overview
A complete feature list of the WP Engine User Portal. Here you will find a brief explanation of every feature and how you may expect to use each.
Block/Unblock Traffic to a Website
Learn how to password protect your WordPress site and common errors you may see while using password protection on a site.
SFTP Usage and Access
Learn how to use SFTP to access your WordPress site’s plugins, themes, content, and other files on the WP Engine platform.
WP Engine’s Security Environment
Learn about the the security measures WP Engine has in place at the platform level which protect our customers from malicious attacks and find answers to frequently asked questions.
WP Engine and PCI Compliance
Is WP Engine PCI compliant? Are our customers compliant when they host an eCommerce site with us? What does compliance require?
301 and 302 Redirect Rules
This article explains what redirects are, how to configure them on our platform along with links and tutorials containing further details.
File Permissions and 403 Errors
Learn how to reset file permissions in WordPress and troubleshoot a 403 error to resolve “forbidden” and “access denied” warnings.