WordPress Help.
Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance Error
If a WordPress website is stuck on a default maintenance page after performing updates, use this guide to resolve the error.
500 Internal Server Error
Learn what a 500 Internal Server Error is, what causes them, and how to resolve these errors should you encounter them.
Configure Mailgun for WordPress
Learn how to configure Mailgun, a email relay system, and how to integrate it with your WordPress website to send emails to your subscribers and users.
Best Practices for eCommerce Sites
Find out WP Engine’s recommendations to make an eCommerce site built to last, secure, scalable, and speedy with Best Practices.
MIME Types in WordPress
Learn about MIME types in WordPress and how to resolve the error “Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons”.
jQuery Versions in WordPress
Learn how to call another jQuery version on your WordPress site, without conflicting with other plugins or WordPress itself.
TimThumb with WordPress
TimThumb has several issues and has since been abandoned by its developer. Read more to learn why and how to use alternatives to TimThumb.
Serialized Data in WordPress
Learn what serialized data is, what conflicts this type of data may present, and the most common solutions to serialized data issues.
Modified WordPress Core Files
Modifying WordPress core can cause issues on a managed WordPress host. Learn what to do if our system detects modified WordPress core files.
WordPress Search and Replace
Learn when and how to use a search and replace, and when one may be done for you.