Introducing Web Week 2016
To help prepare your website and business for 2017, we’ve created Web Week, a week-long tradition occurring from December 26 to New Year’s Eve.
During Web Week we’re encouraging brands and agencies to take advantage of this low traffic time of year to invest in and migrate to a new hosting provider, launch changes to your site, or simply use the time to do all the creative things you want to do but can’t when times are hectic.
Over the course of the next few weeks, we’ll also be bringing content to you to help spark ideas and resolutions for a bigger, faster, better site in 2017.
To help you prep for Web Week, here are some end of year projects you might consider…
1. Upgrade your hosting environment
Whether you’re moving from a cheap host to a managed provider like WP Engine or if you’re a WP Engine customer looking for a dedicated server or multi-zone server environment, the low traffic of Web Week is the perfect time to make a move.
For those on other hosts, the benefits of WP Engine’s managed WordPress hosting platform are endless.
WP Engine’s performance platform includes an array of WordPress optimization technology to harden your site’s security, improve uptime, deliver content blazingly fast, and meet users’ site speed expectations.
We also save you time by tackling important site maintenance tasks, enabling you to focus your time on improving your business. On top of that, investing in one of the best in the world dedicated support teams will give you peace of mind when you need immediate assistance with your site.
If you are WP Engine customer, get your website ready for growth in 2017 with a dedicated or clustered server environment or one of our new multi-zone environments offering ultimate redundancy for your site spread across multiple data centers.
2. Launch end of the year website changes
Are you using the end of the year to make big changes to your site or your clients’ sites? Web Week is a great time to release the changes you’re making through November in December. Your company or your clients’ companies can start the new year out with all the amazing innovation you’ve been building to round out the year.
3. Optimize Your Workflow
Web Week isn’t just a slow time for web traffic, but also for requests from marketing, sales, or any of the other groups who are constantly bugging you. Use this time to plan which systems you use and how you use them. Investing a little time during Web Week to make your processes more efficient is a great way to use this time to save you tons of time during 2017.
Check out all of WP Engine’s dev tools to see what workflow optimizations you can take care of to make your business more efficient in the coming year.
4. Get Creative
In addition to taking advantage of the slow time of year to optimize your workflow, Web Week is also a great time of year to do all the creative ideas you’ve been putting off to serve your business or your customer’s business.
How are you going to address AMP? What cool features could you add to your site or your clients’ sites? Web week is one of the best times to dust off your crazy ideas and make them a reality!
5. Prepare for Chill Week
Launching during off hours is a necessary part of being a web developer. Launching a new site or moving to a new host during working hours can cause disruption if things go wrong. This is why Web Week is such a great time to make changes.
Of course, working while everyone else is off can be a bummer. Just like you might roll in late or take the day off after a launch the night before, make sure you take advantage of Chill Week — the first week of the year. Take some time to rest up for 2017 while your co-workers are scrambling to plan for 2017 and load up your backlog with new ideas.
Stay Up To Date With Web Week
Stay tuned and subscribe to our blog for upcoming #webweek advice on how to improve your site for a better, faster, safer site in 2017. In celebration of web week, we’ve also got a deal going on. From December 1 to December 31, get 25% off your first payment with the coupon code “webweek25“.
Restrictions: Offer valid for new customers purchasing any Personal, Professional, or Business plan. Not valid for existing customers, upgrades, or any other product purchase.
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