LUMA Vision and WONDR logos, white versions

Advancing the Pulse
of MedTech Innovation

WP Engine Agency Partner WONDR crafts an innovative website for LUMA Vision,
enhancing its global reach and showcasing breakthroughs in medical technology.


Healthcare, Technology

representation of the technical impulses of a human heart

“WP Engine's commitment to innovation and staying at the forefront of technology aligns perfectly with our approach to providing cutting-edge solutions to our clients. Their platform's reliability, security, and performance have been essential in our projects, particularly in industries with stringent regulatory requirements.” 

— Dermot O'Shea, Founder, WONDR


GTMetrix Performance Score

205 ms

Time to First Byte


New Visitors Within a Year of Launch

The Client

LUMA Vision is a medical device development company with a mission to build a future in which cardiologists and electrophysiologists are empowered to improve care with an evidence-based understanding of patients’ wellbeing through access to innovative healthcare technologies and devices.

WONDR is a results-focused Digital Product Practice delivering accelerated innovation out of its headquarters in Dublin. A WP Engine Agency Partner, WONDR collaborates with international brands across a diverse range of industries, using its expertise in innovation, brand, UX, design, media, technology, research, AI, and neural networks to create attractive and effective digital products that drive client growth.

LUMA Vision and WONDR logos
scientists work in a lab

The Challenge

Launch a new brand and website for LUMA Vision highlighting the company’s innovative spirit and groundbreaking products while ensuring enterprise-grade security, scalability, reliability, and performance.

The Solution

Using WP Engine’s fully managed WordPress platform, WONDR developed a new website for LUMA Vision, focusing on consistency, credibility, and visibility for its teams and company culture.

The build incorporated several of WP Engine's advanced tools and features including Global Edge Security for optimal performance and security, Page Speed Boost for hassle-free, code-level cleanup and intuitive page loading, Site Monitoring for prompt alerts and updates in the event of interruptions, Smart Plugin Manager for automatic plugin and theme management, and Advanced Custom Fields for enhanced design flexibility.

LUMA Vision homepage on a Mac computer screen

The Results

WONDR collaborated closely with LUMA Vision founders Fionn Lahart and Christoph Hennersperger to capture the essence of the brand as they developed the new design, and the agency was able to build and deliver the new live site in just eight months, with help from WP Engine’s platform and dedicated WordPress experts.

The design of the new site centers around the concepts of dimensional data and providing insight. Intuitive navigation and seamless content flow now make it simple for audiences to engage with the brand and access the information they need.

Experts at WONDR cited multiple reasons for building the new website with WP Engine’s managed WordPress hosting platform, including but not limited to:

  • Scalability: WP Engine's infrastructure is designed to handle traffic spikes without performance dips, ensuring the new website can accommodate increased user demand as the business works through its global expansion plan.
  • Staging Environments: WP Engine's staging environments allow for testing on a clone of a site before pushing it live, helping prevent errors by thoroughly vetting any changes, updates, or new features before implementation.
  • CDN and SSL Integration: Integration of a finely tuned Content Delivery Network (CDN) and SSL certificates enhance the security and global performance of LUMA Vision's website, ensuring the site can deliver content quickly and securely to users worldwide.
  • SEO-Friendliness: WordPress's inherent SEO-friendliness, coupled with plugins like Yoast SEO, make search engine optimization more straightforward, helping to improve search engine rankings and audience visibility.
  • Global Data Centers: WP Engine has a global network of data centers, allowing LUMA Vision to host their website closer to its target audience, which can improve website performance and load times for users around the world.

WP Engine’s robust managed hosting platform plays a crucial role in positioning the LUMA Vision brand as a leader in the MedTech industry, preparing them for their planned expansion into the US market.

Given the sensitive nature of medical data and the prevalence of cyber threats, WP Engine's regular security measures, including automatic updates and daily backups, as well as the Global Edge Security add-on, now safeguard LUMA Vision's website and data.

These dynamic security measures paired with the powerful performance enhancements built into WP Engine’s managed hosting platform are already improving results for LUMA Vision.


A review by GTMetrix reported the following impressive scores shortly after the new site went live:

GTMetrix scores for LUMA Vision's new site taken shortly after the new site launced

The new site achieved an impressive 94% Performance score, with load speeds of 205 ms to first byte. Its new look and high performance attracted 13,000 new visitors within a year of the new site launch, with 11k of those visitors finding the site through organic search.

Of the 39,000 total pageviews on LUMA Vision’s site in that same timeframe, 17,000 spent time on the homepage, while 4.5k were routed to the Innovations page.

This underscores the effectiveness of the site design, as one of LUMA Vision’s top goals for the new site was to showcase its expertise and credibility within the field of cardiac innovation.

The success of LUMA Vision’s new site, however, extends beyond these metrics.

“Greater awareness of our rebrand directly coincides with the launch of our WONDR-designed website. We are delighted with the look and feel of the website, which has elevated our brand globally and generated great interest in our work,” said LUMA Vision Co-Founder and CEO Fionn Lahart.

“As LUMA Vision grows, our hiring has increased too. Higher traffic to our website makes it easy for us to attract top talent and showcase our work and skilled workforce.”

The comprehensive digital ecosystem of WP Engine’s platform and products paired with WONDR’s impactful design effectively communicates LUMA Vision's professionalism and scientific credibility.

The new brand positioning and site performance are already attracting more leads for potential investments, partnerships, and collaborations, aiding LUMA Vision’s planned expansion into the U.S. market.

Man on phone smiling



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