Transferring a Site to Another Account
Previously only transferable sites could perform a self-serve transfer without needing to contact our support team. Now you can self-serve transfers for any sites (transferable and non-transferable), as long as you have Owner or Full (with billing) user-level permissions on both accounts (the source and destination accounts for the transfer).
We’ve also made some improvements to the transfer process like the ability to enable maintenance mode during the transfer and the automatic inclusion of all of the environments for a site when transferring. The environments for a “site” include production (PRD), staging (STG), and development (DEV).
If you don’t have the necessary user permissions on both accounts you can still use the process for transferable sites or contact our support team for assistance.
Review the DNS and Product Extensions sections before moving on to the Start a Transfer section below.
For sites that require a migration all domains for a site must be using our Advanced Network or Global Edge Security (GES) network for DNS to be able to use the self-serve transfer process. No DNS update is needed when you are on our Advanced Network or GES.
If you have a domain that needs to remain on our Legacy Network for DNS, then you can still use the transferable sites transfer process (if the site was created as a transferable site), or you can have our support team initiate the transfer for you. DNS will need to be updated manually upon transferring if you are still on the Legacy Network.
If it is detected that you need a server migration during the transfer process, and it is also detected that you need a DNS network change, you’ll see a message similar to the screenshot below:

Product Extensions
Please note that enabled product extensions must be reactivated on the destination account to ensure that your site continues to benefit from them. Some product extensions will lose their settings and historical data, while others are retained when the site is transferred.
Smart Plugin Manager
SPM must be reactivated on the destination account after the transfer is complete. All historical data and settings are automatically retained.
Site Monitoring
Site Monitoring must be reactivated on the destination account after the transfer is complete. Historical data and settings are not retained.
Page Speed Boost
Page Speed Boost must be reactivated on the destination account after the transfer is complete. Historical data and settings are not retained.
Application Monitoring
If Application Monitoring is available on the destination account, the site will need to be set up as a new application.
Smart Search
After the transfer is complete, Smart Search must be reactivated on the destination account, including reactivating the plugin. All historical data and settings are automatically retained.
Ecomm Settings
When a site is transferred from an ecomm account to another ecomm account, all settings and historical data are retained.
Start a Transfer
- Go to the Overview page for the site that you want to transfer
- Click the gear icon near the top right of the page
- Select Transfer site
- Select a destination account from the dropdown menu
- If a migration to a new server is necessary you will see a message similar to the screenshot below.
- In the above case where a server migration is needed, select whether you want maintenance mode to be enabled during the migration
- In the above case where a server migration is needed, select whether you want maintenance mode to be enabled during the migration
- Review the transfer details including environments and source and destination accounts.
- Click Transfer Site
- Wait for the transfer to complete. Click View details in the progress banner to see more details
- When the transfer is complete you’ll see a success message in the status banner
- Activate any necessary product extensions and add users to the new account if you want them to retain access to the site.
That’s it, your transfer is complete!
If a migration was needed we suggest reviewing your site for any issues.