Black Tee Consulting
We've all heard the saying "Garbage in, garbage out," right?
If the garbage going in is information in your business...the very same information you rely on to make decisions, what do you think would happen if you try to grow your business on garbage information or, even worse, no information at all?
I'll tell you: struggle, lost opportunity, and potential failure. (I'm sure you can calculate the COST of that)
Among other services, I've got this package available for business owners that *ensures* they are not flinging sh!t at the wall to see what sticks. Nor are they making guesses about how to grow their business.
It's called: M3
Metrics, Messaging, Measurement
Metrics - I take care of making sure your website is performing at its best for your visitors
Messaging - that you are speaking your customer's language in all promotional property (website, brochures, sales literature, etc)
Measurement - that you have proper attribution for all of the business your website generates.
In short, this isn't for cheapskates and tire kickers. I am also not looking for clueless business owners ... you should know at least some of your numbers and have some direction/goals for the future (you usually can't hit a target you can't see).
While I have services that run $500 - $30,000, this will run you $3K for the whole package and take 1-2 weeks to implement. I only take on new clients after I have seen their business, reviewed their offerings, and determined that I can 100% knock it out of the park for you.
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