Ceri International
Ceri International is a shared services center of Commerzbank. As they employ few hundred people they needed to redevelop their HR page. The purpose of that page is to increase the attractiveness of the company as an employer. The main goal that the Ceri team provided was not specified well. We organized a strategic workshop where we discussed and worked out all needs. The purpose of the workshop was to:
Understand and define the new purpose of the website.
Design a general structure and discover the best Customer Journey Map.
Generate as many ideas as we can.
After the workshop and after collecting all the information we designed a final Customer Journey Map and started the design process.
Then the development process has started. In that phase, we focused on delivering the best solution for the client to change the content of that website but we of course did not forget about speed optimization.
Ceri International website is based on WordPress with ACF Pro (which can be a really handy plugin!). The website is fast, secure, and reliable.