Using SSH Gateway to Troubleshoot a Website
The WP Engine SSH Gateway allows you to manage, maintain, and troubleshoot a website. In this article we provide some tips and tricks WP Engine Support uses when troubleshooting and diagnosing issues to help you get started.
Diagnosing Issues
Before diving into troubleshooting steps for your website, we always recommend the following steps:
- Make a backup checkpoint or copy to a staging/development environment
- Make sure you know how to reliably replicate the issue for testing
- Note of when the issue started
- Check among your team to see if anyone changed anything on the website in that time, and check the Account Activity for any User Portal changes.
Once you are prepared, use the following tips and tricks where applicable to troubleshoot issues on your website.
WP CLI for Plugins and Themes
When your website is inaccessible, you can still use SSH Gateway to do some sleuthing and troubleshooting. When someone contacts us with an inaccessible site, most often the culprit is a plugin or theme error. Many of these commands are the exact same commands WP Engine Support will run to help triage an issues.
List all installed plugins:
(Also show active/inactive states and versions)
wp plugin list
List your installed themes:
(Also shows active/inactive states and versions)
wp theme list
Disable a specific plugin:
(The value for plugin-name
can be found by running wp plugin list
wp plugin deactivate plugin-name
Disable all plugins:
wp plugin deactivate --all
Activate a different theme:
(A theme must always be active meaning themes can’t be “disabled”, only another theme “enabled”):
wp theme activate theme-name
If any WP CLI command spits out an error, you will likely need to skip plugin and theme code from being read by adding the following flags to the command: --skip-plugins
and/or --skip-themes
. For example:
List all plugins and skip loading any plugin/theme code:
wp plugin list --skip-plugins --skip-themes
List all themes and skip loading any plugin/theme code:
wp theme list --skip-plugins --skip-themes
If an error is preventing WP CLI from running, it’s very possible that same error is preventing your site from loading too. Review the error to see if it’s a plugin or theme file being referenced. This may give you enough information to simply disable that item and resolve the issue.
Be sure to purge cache before testing your issue after disabling plugins or themes.
Deactivate all plugins, skip any plugin/theme code:
wp plugin deactivate --all --skip-plugins --skip-themes
Deactivate a specific plugin, skip any plugin/theme code:
(The value for plugin-name
can be found by running wp plugin list
wp plugin deactivate plugin-name --skip-plugins --skip-themes
Activate a different theme, skip any plugin/theme code:
(The value for theme-name
can be found by running wp theme list
wp theme activate theme-name --skip-plugins --skip-themes
If you need to install a default theme for a safe theme option to switch to, run the following first:
wp theme download twentynineteen --skip-plugins --skip-themes
Updating plugins and themes may be an easy resolve to many issues plaguing your site. When running wp plugin list
or wp theme list
you will notice a plugin version column and see if an update is available. Replace plugin-name or theme-name with the name listed with these commands.
Don’t forget, you may need to add --skip-plugins --skip-themes
Many premium plugins and themes do not list their updates on the WordPress repository and as such won’t show an update available. Be sure to check for updates with the item’s respective author.
Update a specific plugin:
wp plugin update plugin-name
Update all plugins:
wp plugin update --all
Update a specific theme:
wp theme update theme-name
Update all themes:
wp theme update --all
Additional WP CLI Resources
Check out the WP-CLI documentation for more extensive and useful examples. Commands may be added as WordPress core updates come out.
Similarly to how WordPress includes some WP CLI commands for interacting with default WordPress elements, many plugins and themes with include WP CLI for their own functionality.
If you’re using the Genesis framework, WP CLI resources are available that can help.
WooCommerce has extensive documentation on using their WP CLI commands as well.
WordPress Debug Logging
Beyond your WP Engine error logs, you can also enable debug logging for WordPress. Debug mode is enabled by adding a define to your wp-config.php
Navigate to the root directory for your website:
(Replace environmentname with your unique WP Engine environment name.
cd sites/yourenvironment
Open the wp-config.php file for editing:
vi wp-config.php
Use the arrow keys to locate the “WP Engine Settings” section and tap i
to allow editing of the document, then paste the following:
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true ); #enable debugging
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true); #enable debug error log in wp-content
define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true); #errors display publicly--only do this in stage or dev!
If you are adding these defines to a live site, set the third line for WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY
to false. A value of true will allow the errors to display live on the website, as a banner across the top of the page.
The wp_debug
function has been known to cause performance issues on PHP 8.2. Be sure to disable debug logging as soon as possible.
To save and exit the file:
button then :wq
Now anytime you trigger a PHP error, notice, or warning, it will be logged to the file debug.log within the wp-content directory.
To view the entire wp debug log file:cat wp-content/debug.log
If the file is too large, view the last 10 lines only by running:tail wp-content/debug.log
Be sure to disable debug logging by delete the lines from your wp-config.php file when you are finished! Debug logs can become very large over time if forgotten and impair performance.
Admin AJAX Logging
Raw access logs won’t show what action the Admin AJAX function triggered. Enable logging of admin ajax actions easily by adding a define to your wp-config.php file. For more information on Admin AJAX, check out this guide.
Navigate to the root directory of your website:
(Be sure to replace environment with your unique WP Engine environment name.)
cd sites/environment
Open the wp-config.php file for editing:
vi wp-config.php
Use the arrow keys to navigate to the “WP Engine Settings” section. Tap the letter i
and then paste the following:
define( 'WPE_MONITOR_ADMIN_AJAX', true );
To save and exit the file, tap the ESC
key then enter the following:
Now any time an Admin AJAX call happens on your website, it will be logged to the __wpe_admin_ajax.log
file in your wp-content
directory. To more easily notice trends, we recommend using the following command to sort (from the root directory of your website).
Navigate to the root directory of your environment:
cd sites/environment
Actively prints any new Admin AJAX “action”, as they occur on your site:
(At this time you may want to trigger the specified action on the front of your website.)
tail -f wp-content/__wpe_admin_ajax.log | grep "action"
That’ll give you something like this: 10 [action] => ga_stats_widget
2 [action] => heartbeat
1 [action] => do-plugin-upgrade
GET requests to admin-ajax.php
with arguments on the end, like admin-ajax.php?action=do_something&that_something=should_be_cool
are not logged. Admin AJAX logs only show POST requests.
If you see an action you’d like to know more about, but aren’t sure which plugin or theme it’s coming from, search for it through plugin and theme files:
(Be sure to replace action_name with the Admin AJAX action.)
ack-grep "action_name" wp-content/plugins/ wp-content/themes/
The above command can take a long time to complete, depending on the number of plugins and themes on your website. Once it does show what plugin or theme is triggering the action, this can give you insight into which setting to adjust or filter, or whether the plugin should be disabled/replaced altogether.
The ack-grep
command can be used with some very helpful flags as well, like -i
(ignore case distinctions), -o
(show only the part that matches the search), and -l
(search only file names which match, not file content).
Be sure to disable AJAX logging by removing the line from your wp-config.php file when you are finished! AJAX logs can become very large over time if forgotten which will impact performance.
Troubleshoot 502 Errors from Autoloaded Data
Are you getting an instant 502 on your website? Often 502 errors mean a process has timed out on the server. But in the case of an instant one, this could mean your site is struggling from too much autoloaded data. You can diagnose autoloaded data issues using SSH Gateway.
Log into your site with SSH Gateway and navigate to the root directory of your website:
cd sites/environment
Run a query to check the total size of autoloaded data. You can do this with the wp db query command from WP-CLI:
wp db query "SELECT SUM(LENGTH(option_value)) FROM wp_options WHERE autoload = 'yes';"
This will output the total amount of autoloaded data in bytes. If the number is over 1 million bytes, you have too much autoloaded data!
Use the following command to print out which autoloaded rows are the largest:
wp db query "SELECT LENGTH(option_value),option_name FROM wp_options WHERE autoload='yes' ORDER BY length(option_value) DESC;"
You will see a list of the largest autoloaded rows in your database (the rows in wp_options that contain the most data). Ask yourself: Does this row need to load on every single page? If the answer is no, you can change that option to say “no” for “autoload” instead.
Update the largest row to “no” autoload:
(Be sure to change myoption to the action option name.)
wp db query "UPDATE `wp_options` SET `autoload` = 'no' WHERE `wp_options`.`option_name` = myoption;"
You can repeat these steps until you have successfully lowered your autoload total to under 1 million bytes. This should resolve your instant 502 error.
Search and Replace with WP-CLI
If you have ever needed to change your website’s domain, you know how much of a pain it can be to change all the references to your old domain over to your new one. With search and replace via WP-CLI, there’s no need to download a plugin. You can simply trigger the search and replace via command line.
It is best to create a backup checkpoint before and after this process.
Navigate to the root directory for your website:
cd sites/environment
Trigger a dry run of a search and replace with WP-CLI – does not change any values yet:
(Be sure to update and with their respective values)
wp search-replace '' '' --precise --all-tables --dry-run
Trigger a a search and replace with WP-CLI:
(Be sure to update and with their respective values)
wp search-replace '' '' --precise --all-tables
There are a lot of really cool variations on this command, like removing specific columns, or only running it on a specific table. Check out the WP-CLI documentation for wp search-replace for more options.
NEXT STEP: Check our our full guide on how to troubleshoot a WordPress website